Getting Bent
A guy named Terry Border makes these sculptures called Bent Objects. At first they were just a stress relief when Border was upset or angry. Once people found out about his funny creations they loved them. He never thought that people would like them or even take them as serious work. Later his objects were put into an art gallery. People didn't really want to buy the objects but they all wanted pictures of them. Border than began shooting his creations. First with a Canon PowerShot SD500, then later with a Pentax K100D and 18-55mm f/3-5.6 Pentax DA AL II lens.
He put his creation scenes on poster board using cabinet light in his kitchen. Sometimes he will use flashlights and other lights to create an environment where the viewer is drawn in. His creations are built very carefully and are time consuming. He has many ideas and most people wonder where they come from. Border says it's just the weird things he comes up with, and now he has more confidence because he learned that people like his humor and what he does.
I think it is a great entertaining idea that can capture a variety of audiences. They are humorous and people can relate to them and see that hard work and ideas come out of the little scenes.
Invisible World
The invisible world of infrared light is being explored. Electromagnetic waves that range from short-length X-rays to long-length radio waves, infrared light is outside the band of light humans can see. Objects reflect infrared light a lot different than visible light. and this makes everything very different and abstract. Abstract art is becoming more and more popular and is fun to try out. All kinds of plants reflect tons of infrared rays, more than most objects, so they make gorgeous pictures. It's almost like it's snowing outside.
Cameras have IR blocking sensors so this is why, even though cameras pick up IR rays, pictures don't show the IR light. Older models of cameras of Canon and Fujifilm and Nikon have weak or no filters at all. IR photographs are really fun and they are just another way to be creative.